Tuesday 23 February 2016

White Is Coming - Sony Ad Campaign

The best way to get your customers to purchase an all white PlayStation Portable instead of the all back version might not be to post a billboard and many ads that feature a stern looking white woman grabbing a black woman by the chin.

Sony Computer Entertainment Company released this ad campaign with the title 'White is coming'. This resulted in many angry emails to the company involving racism and saying that Sony had stooped to a 'new low', Sony's replay was " The marketing campaign for the launch of the white play station portable was merely to focus on the contrast between the black PSP model and the new white PSP model." Which was basically Sony's way of saying deal with it.

In my opinion I don't know what made Sony think that this ad was appropriate, to me this looks like the white PSP is competing with the black PSP - Sony is competing with its own brand, for no reason because in the end whether you buy a black or a white PSP, Sony will still make the money from both products. This ad is completely unnecessary and NOT COOL, NOT COOL MAN.