Wednesday 2 March 2016

(Children + Die) + Videogames = Awkward? = No, not really.

How do I feel about killing children in videogames? Well. . . To start off, I don't really think it's a big deal. What makes a child so special from an elderly or middle aged person anyway? I think the only reason people make such a big deal about it, is because it's more of a shock factor to kill a young child than an adult, which doesn't make sense in my opinion... The older you become doesn't mean your life becomes less valuable. And let me tell you, just because I made a choice to kill a kid in a virtual videogame doesn't mean I'd actually do that in real life. Its fake, a game isn't real, a game doesn't reflect the choices you'd make in real life.
In a sick sort of way I guess killing children could be an entertainment value, but that falls under every age group.

Also, in many games there are cut scenes where children are being killed and you don't have a choice weather or not you want them to be. Most of the time that's to make the plot of the game move on. However, there are many games that give you an option to kill or save a child, and in my opinion those options aren't really necessary because weather you save or kill the child the plot moves on no matter the choice.

Videogames that give the options to kill or not: Dishonored - Emily Death  <-- VIDEO


BioShock - Harvesting a Little Sister  <--- VIDEO



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