Monday 11 April 2016

The Worst Movie I Have Ever Seen - The Midnight Meat Train

The Midnight Meat Train is a horror- thriller based off a short story written by Clive Barker. The initial release for Meat Train was on August 1st 2008.

The Midnight Meat Train follows Leon (Bradley Cooper), an anxious photographer trying to impress Susan Hoff (Brooke Shields), an art studio owner, who rejects his work and encourages Leon to stay put, be brave and keep shooting. Leon's pursuit to impress the studio owner becomes obsessive and the dark subject matter leads him into the path of a serial killer, Mahogany (Vinnie Jones), who slaughters late night commuters on a subway. Leon's fascination drags him and his lover, Maya (Leslie Bibb), into a nightly massacre.                         PROOF:

The Midnight Meat train was literally a train wreck. It seemed like the director Ryuhei Kitamura had a difficult time translating the writings of the author onto the big screen. Meat Train is great at delivering the gore but not so great at making it look believable, while parts of it are cringe worthy like when Mahogany pulls an eyeball from its socket, other scenes look like terrible makeup and crappy effects (the chest craters/ barnacle looking things on Mahogany's chest). The movie included many pointless scenes that were never explained and that didn't push the plot any further. The ending of the movie is really a plot twist and a half but it definitely wasn't necessary at all. The acting was bearable, but there wasn't any character development with the main character or any side characters, the whole movie was focused on Leon stalking the serial killer, no interesting side story or anything.
The Midnight Meat Train felt like a bloody mess with out explanation.

It doesn't matter how much you like gory thriller movies, with The Midnight Meat Train you're better off saving your money, popcorn, and time...


Thursday 3 March 2016

Reality TV - The Bachelorette ( Kinda, Maybe, Not Really)

If I was forced to be on a reality TV show I think I'd sadly want to be on The Bachelorette. I mean, what teenage girl doesn't want to be surrounded by 25 SUPER HOT guys? ;)
And if you don't really know what The Bachelorette is, well its a spin off of the original series The Bachelor. The Bachelorette is where there is one female and she has to chose a husband out of the 25 Bachelors. Who da heck wouldn't want that? Plus you get to go to super cool places while your on the show.

I don't really know how I would do on the show, I have never had 25 boyfriends at once, but guess there is a first for everything. >.< I would probably be pretty awkward and shy. I think I'd be more in for the traveling part but, yaknow.

Bachelorette Website Thingy
Bachelor Website Thingy


Too Attached To Technology? Heck yes.

Technology and social media are taking over the world. We are becoming dependent on our personal technology's, and teenagers seem to be the age group where they are most absorbed by it.

In my opinion we all rely on technology way too much, especially for basic day to day activity's. We bring our phones everywhere with us. . To dinner, bed, school, and any other social or non social environment. People tend to argue that teenagers are lazy and impersonal due to their obsessiveness with technology, I agree partly. I however don't think technology is causing laziness (to some extent), technology like a cellphone isn't just used for social media and connecting with other people, technology can be used as a resource to gain more knowledge. Sure that's what a dictionary or thesaurus is for, but  technology is a faster more efficient way to help educate. Besides the pro of having technology as a handy resource I do believe that there are man cons of technology.

I personally am very attached to my phone, and honestly, its hard to go too long without checking Instagram or Twitter. It's addictive. This is kind of a big problem. Many teenagers are losing sleep that they need while surfing the web or chatting it up on Facebook. I know this first hand, I've spent hours in a day (and night) watching YouTube videos and on other sites.
Teenagers are becoming dependent on technology for communication. Who talks in person anymore? Just log online and talk to your 500 "friends" all at once :) Sounds kinda funny? Yea well it is, because those 500 "friends" are just a number, just a bragging number to say that you have that many "friends" when most people don't even personally know that many people. Also, teenagers are missing out on opportunities to build their PERSONAL social skills. Many teenagers these days have anxiety about talking to somebody in PERSON and find it MUCH more comfortable to talk to them over a social website. That's not good if you have a job interview.

I am not arguing that technology is terrible, or corrupting youth, I just think that there are many pros and cons and I do strongly believe that we are all becoming more excited to see a lit up screen than somebody's lit up smile.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

(Children + Die) + Videogames = Awkward? = No, not really.

How do I feel about killing children in videogames? Well. . . To start off, I don't really think it's a big deal. What makes a child so special from an elderly or middle aged person anyway? I think the only reason people make such a big deal about it, is because it's more of a shock factor to kill a young child than an adult, which doesn't make sense in my opinion... The older you become doesn't mean your life becomes less valuable. And let me tell you, just because I made a choice to kill a kid in a virtual videogame doesn't mean I'd actually do that in real life. Its fake, a game isn't real, a game doesn't reflect the choices you'd make in real life.
In a sick sort of way I guess killing children could be an entertainment value, but that falls under every age group.

Also, in many games there are cut scenes where children are being killed and you don't have a choice weather or not you want them to be. Most of the time that's to make the plot of the game move on. However, there are many games that give you an option to kill or save a child, and in my opinion those options aren't really necessary because weather you save or kill the child the plot moves on no matter the choice.

Videogames that give the options to kill or not: Dishonored - Emily Death  <-- VIDEO


BioShock - Harvesting a Little Sister  <--- VIDEO



The Story of Tyrone Spellman - Violent Videogames.

Tyrone Spellman's story of video game violence is like none other. He was convicted of third degree murder and child endangerment of his 17- month- old daughter, Alayiah and sent to prison for 47 years. Tyrone, a devoted XBox player became enraged and his his daughter repeatedly after she accidentally toppled and damaged the system.
Prosecutors believed that the child's battered body was moved and posed near a barbell in another room to make the death look like an accident. An attorney also made that comment that Spellman spent six to seven hours a day on his XBox. And that later an anonymous caller had said that the litter girl had been growing up in an abusive household. 

Especially in this particular case (and in many others) I don't believe videogames are the causes of real life violence like this. However, I do believe that very competitive or intense shooting videogames can cause aggression but I don't believe they are the reason somebody would commit a crime.
In my opinion a videogame can't make somebody do something like that, I believe that video games could increases aggression, but I think that you would probably have to have some sort of mental illness or gone through abuse or have some sort of anger problem to even do something like that.

Personally, all I play are first person shooter games, literally no other sort of games, and I'm not willing to actually physically (or verbally or whatever) hurt somebody over any sort of game. I know that doesn't really mean anything but my point is, I think it kind of depends on how mentally healthy the person is.

Tyrone Spellman may have not been mentally healthy if he was willing to hurt his own daughter over her breaking his system, ACCIDENTALLY. In his case it has nothing to do with the addiction of the video game that caused him to do what he did, in my opinion it seems that it had to do with a dangerously violent temper that wasn't controlled in that particular situation.


Tuesday 23 February 2016

White Is Coming - Sony Ad Campaign

The best way to get your customers to purchase an all white PlayStation Portable instead of the all back version might not be to post a billboard and many ads that feature a stern looking white woman grabbing a black woman by the chin.

Sony Computer Entertainment Company released this ad campaign with the title 'White is coming'. This resulted in many angry emails to the company involving racism and saying that Sony had stooped to a 'new low', Sony's replay was " The marketing campaign for the launch of the white play station portable was merely to focus on the contrast between the black PSP model and the new white PSP model." Which was basically Sony's way of saying deal with it.

In my opinion I don't know what made Sony think that this ad was appropriate, to me this looks like the white PSP is competing with the black PSP - Sony is competing with its own brand, for no reason because in the end whether you buy a black or a white PSP, Sony will still make the money from both products. This ad is completely unnecessary and NOT COOL, NOT COOL MAN.