Thursday 3 March 2016

Reality TV - The Bachelorette ( Kinda, Maybe, Not Really)

If I was forced to be on a reality TV show I think I'd sadly want to be on The Bachelorette. I mean, what teenage girl doesn't want to be surrounded by 25 SUPER HOT guys? ;)
And if you don't really know what The Bachelorette is, well its a spin off of the original series The Bachelor. The Bachelorette is where there is one female and she has to chose a husband out of the 25 Bachelors. Who da heck wouldn't want that? Plus you get to go to super cool places while your on the show.

I don't really know how I would do on the show, I have never had 25 boyfriends at once, but guess there is a first for everything. >.< I would probably be pretty awkward and shy. I think I'd be more in for the traveling part but, yaknow.

Bachelorette Website Thingy
Bachelor Website Thingy


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