Thursday 3 March 2016

Too Attached To Technology? Heck yes.

Technology and social media are taking over the world. We are becoming dependent on our personal technology's, and teenagers seem to be the age group where they are most absorbed by it.

In my opinion we all rely on technology way too much, especially for basic day to day activity's. We bring our phones everywhere with us. . To dinner, bed, school, and any other social or non social environment. People tend to argue that teenagers are lazy and impersonal due to their obsessiveness with technology, I agree partly. I however don't think technology is causing laziness (to some extent), technology like a cellphone isn't just used for social media and connecting with other people, technology can be used as a resource to gain more knowledge. Sure that's what a dictionary or thesaurus is for, but  technology is a faster more efficient way to help educate. Besides the pro of having technology as a handy resource I do believe that there are man cons of technology.

I personally am very attached to my phone, and honestly, its hard to go too long without checking Instagram or Twitter. It's addictive. This is kind of a big problem. Many teenagers are losing sleep that they need while surfing the web or chatting it up on Facebook. I know this first hand, I've spent hours in a day (and night) watching YouTube videos and on other sites.
Teenagers are becoming dependent on technology for communication. Who talks in person anymore? Just log online and talk to your 500 "friends" all at once :) Sounds kinda funny? Yea well it is, because those 500 "friends" are just a number, just a bragging number to say that you have that many "friends" when most people don't even personally know that many people. Also, teenagers are missing out on opportunities to build their PERSONAL social skills. Many teenagers these days have anxiety about talking to somebody in PERSON and find it MUCH more comfortable to talk to them over a social website. That's not good if you have a job interview.

I am not arguing that technology is terrible, or corrupting youth, I just think that there are many pros and cons and I do strongly believe that we are all becoming more excited to see a lit up screen than somebody's lit up smile.

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