Wednesday 2 March 2016

The Story of Tyrone Spellman - Violent Videogames.

Tyrone Spellman's story of video game violence is like none other. He was convicted of third degree murder and child endangerment of his 17- month- old daughter, Alayiah and sent to prison for 47 years. Tyrone, a devoted XBox player became enraged and his his daughter repeatedly after she accidentally toppled and damaged the system.
Prosecutors believed that the child's battered body was moved and posed near a barbell in another room to make the death look like an accident. An attorney also made that comment that Spellman spent six to seven hours a day on his XBox. And that later an anonymous caller had said that the litter girl had been growing up in an abusive household. 

Especially in this particular case (and in many others) I don't believe videogames are the causes of real life violence like this. However, I do believe that very competitive or intense shooting videogames can cause aggression but I don't believe they are the reason somebody would commit a crime.
In my opinion a videogame can't make somebody do something like that, I believe that video games could increases aggression, but I think that you would probably have to have some sort of mental illness or gone through abuse or have some sort of anger problem to even do something like that.

Personally, all I play are first person shooter games, literally no other sort of games, and I'm not willing to actually physically (or verbally or whatever) hurt somebody over any sort of game. I know that doesn't really mean anything but my point is, I think it kind of depends on how mentally healthy the person is.

Tyrone Spellman may have not been mentally healthy if he was willing to hurt his own daughter over her breaking his system, ACCIDENTALLY. In his case it has nothing to do with the addiction of the video game that caused him to do what he did, in my opinion it seems that it had to do with a dangerously violent temper that wasn't controlled in that particular situation.


1 comment:

  1. this was absolutely brutal, what goes through your while head doing such a thing aside from blind rage
